CaseWorks makes life easier for you.

CaseWorksTM is a best-in-class enterprise content management (ECM) platform that supports all your document management (DMS) & workflow automation needs. We are able to rapidly deploy updates and respond to your changing needs thanks to our proprietary technology platform. Over 250+ Health and Human Services Units use CaseWorksTM today. They choose us for the features we offer, they stay because of the services we provide.

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Standard Features in all CaseWorks Solutions

Import into CaseWorks

Easily import paper and electronic documents directly into CaseWorks with scan and Print2CW options

Automated Workflows & Document Routing


Notifications and Copies

Notify or copy docs to other units; Secondary teams can subscribe to receive copies of case docs

Export, Transfer, Copy & Move Documents

Transfer case documents easily & organize effectively among or across teams and editions


Scan once, and CaseWorks automatically sends copies of relevant documents to case owners across HHS units

Auto-fill Forms and Packets

CaseWorks creates a library of forms and packets tailored to each county that can be generated and auto-filled by system-integrated data


Internal eSignature for Case Workers and external eSignature for citizens

Modify Documents

Annotate/Redact; Reorder pages; Split & Merge documents; Scan additional pages into existing document


Privilege cases; Role-based permissions;
Library level access/permissions

Other Features

Intuitive client navigation tool (APN)
Document menu for quick navigation
Appointment management
Tag & untag selected documents
Manage/share workloads
File Retention & Destruction
Archiving & Disaster Recovery
Statewide Casefile Transfer
Reports: Documents Processed & Activity Management


CaseWorksTM Product Overview


CaseWorksTM solves today's problems and anticipates tomorrow's needs.

Watch our overview video to learn how CaseWorks' purpose-built features equip your Health and Human Services team for success.

Editions For Every Program Area


Financial Services

Helps Eligibility Workers administer public assistance programs for food, cash, childcare, and emergency programs.

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Child Support

Assists Child Support Offi-cers as they help custodial parents navigate the court system to win child support judgements & facilitate en-forcement of those judge-ments.

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Social Services

Supports Social Workers and Case Managers as they pro-tect vulnerable people from harm or abuse, help people live independently, and license homes and facilities to provide further care.

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Supports Healthcare Eligibility Workers as they help citizens apply for health- care assistance & determine eligibility for assistance.

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Assists Accounting Techni-cians as they process pay-ments for Health and Human Services.

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Supports Employment Coun-selors as they guide unem-ployed citizens through career training and the job application process.

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“I really like the fact that I can quickly scan my inbox to let a client know whether or not I have received what they dropped off. Prior to SW, I would have to go up and page through all of the mail in my mailbox. This is much quicker and better customer service to our clients. I also really like that I can access birth certificates, proof of address, etc. from the ECF without having to bother the financial worker all the time. This saves time for all of us and our clients.”